Wednesday, August 1, 2007

New Health Miracle -- Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil

“High-dose pharmaceutical-grade fish oil is as close to a medical miracle as we will see in the 21st century.” – Dr. Barry Sears

Dr. Barry Sears revolutionized nutritional thinking around the world with his 1995 landmark #1 New York Times best seller The Zone. With The Zone, and his subsequent bestselling Zone books, Dr. Sears describes how a scientifically proven plan of moderate carbohydrate consumption balanced with appropriate amounts of protein and fat may help you live a longer and better life.

In his latest best seller, The Omega Rx Zone, Dr. Sears greatly expands the potential of the Zone to alter how we think about optimal health in general. Drawing upon his own research, as well as recently published studies, he reveals how a revolutionary new technological advance in fish oil manufacturing, never before available to the general public, may be the magic bullet...

This new high-dose, pharmaceutical-grade fish oil is very rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Scientific evidence reveals a diet rich in long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids helps support:
a healthy brain
a healthy heart
a healthy immune system
healthy joint movement
healthy kidneys
balanced mood and sense of well being
and, helps maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range.

This new generation of fish oil is much different from the historical, impure, terrible-tasting cod-liver oil. As Dr. Sears points out, the fish oil doled out by our mothers and grandmothers, and currently sold at health food stores, has never been pure enough to be used in the quantities it takes to realize its potential benefits. The new pharmaceutical-grade fish oil is more concentrated, free of dangerous toxins, and has been clinically tested with spectacular results.

By following the Zone Diet and adding pharmaceutical grade fish oil to your daily routine, Dr. Sears believes that each of us will reach our maximum potential for optimal health.

Fish Oil

Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil -- Why Is It Different?

A flood of scientific evidence about fish oil points to a startling conclusion that taking high-dose fish oils, which are very rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids, helps support a healthy heart, a healthy brain, a healthy immune system, healthy joint movement, healthy kidneys and much more.

Each grade of fish oil is distinguished from the other by its purity and concentration of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Crude fish oils are the least expensive and most will likely contain some levels of contaminants including PCBs, DDT and organic mercury.

When choosing a high dose fish oil remember that knowledge is power and not all fish oils are manufactured the same. Some fish oils may even be dangerous when taken in high doses.

With many choices of fish oil available, and with so many pro and con opinions written about each, it is easy to become confused. So when it comes time for you to choose a fish oil make sure you do your homework and choose wisely – your health depends on it.

When choosing a fish oil that you will be ingesting in high doses it is crucial that you choose one that is pure and free of contaminants, toxins, and mercury. How can you, the consumer, tell the difference?

Currently there are three grades of fish oil available on the market today:
Cod Liver Oil
Health-food grade fish oil, and
Pharmaceutical-grade fish oil

Cod Liver Oil

Cod Liver Oil is the lowest quality fish oil and like the name implies it is manufactured from the livers of Cod fish. It has the lowest concentration of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and contains the highest levels of contaminants such as organic mercury, PCB's, and DDT. Cod Liver Oil may also contain a high level of Vitamin A.

Cod Liver Oil is not recommended for high dose consumption. A typical serving of Cod Liver Oil contains 500 mg. of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

Health-food Grade Fish Oils

Most health-food grade fish oils are manufactured from fish body oils. Fish oils can be manufactured from a single fish species or from several fish species.

Fish size and their relative rank in the food chain can help us understand the level of contaminants that may be found in health-food grade fish oils. Small fish, such as sardines and anchovies, don’t live long so are less prone to accumulate environmental pollutants. Larger fish, such as salmon and mackerel, are predatory species that live longer so they could contain higher levels of pollutants. If the label says it comes from a particular species of fish, such as salmon, then you can be sure that it probably is health-food grade fish oil.

A slightly more purified type of health-food grade fish oil is available which includes oils that have been subjected to a limited amount of molecular distillation to remove some of the cholesterol. These types of fish oils are usually labeled as "cholesterol-free".

"Fish Oil Concentrate" is yet another type of health-food grade fish oil. Fish oil concentrates consist of ethyl esters of the fish oil that have been subjected to fractional cooling. The solidified saturated fats are removed leaving behind a more concentrated solution of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. A typical one-gram capsule of thermally fractionated health-food grade fish oil contains up to 500 mg. of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

Typical health-food grade fish oils may contain varying amounts of contaminants. In addition, the fractional cooling method does not necessarily remove all the PCB’s or the long-chain monoene fatty acids that may give rise to gastric distress. Due to the varying amounts of contaminants that could still be contained in health-food grade, it is questionable as to whether it is safe at high levels. A typical one-gram capsule of health-food grade fish oil contains approximately 300 mg. of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

Pharmaceutical-grade Fish Oil -- the newest generation of fish oil.

Pharmaceutical-grade fish oils start with thermally fractionated health-food grade fish oils. These oils are then distilled, using a highly complex refining technology, into fractions rich in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. According to manufacturers, it typically takes about 100 gallons of health-food grade fish oil to make one gallon of pharmaceutical-grade fish oil.

Individual fractions are then combined to provide a 2:1 ratio of Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) for the finished fish oil product. Scientific studies conducted with pharmaceutical-grade fish oils that used a 2:1 ratio of EPA and DHA reported significant clinical benefits.

Pharmaceutical-grade fish oils are exceptionally low in long-chain monoenes, PCB's and other pollutants. Pharmaceutical-grade fish oils are believed to be the safest to take in high doses. A typical one-gram capsule of pharmaceutical-grade fish oil will have a minimum of 600 mg. of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids.

Pharmaceutical-grade fish oils are a fairly new product and a good-quality source may be difficult to find. In addition, pharmaceutical-grade fish oils definitely cost more – sometimes twice as much. This increased cost is an outcome of the complex process used to remove impurities. Each step in the refining process adds additional production costs.

For instance, OmegaRx developed by Dr. Barry Sears and recommended in his book, The OmegaRx Zone – The Miracle of the New High Dose Fish Oil, starts with health food grade fish oil which then goes through nine additional steps to make it pharmaceutical grade quality. Pharmaceutical-grade fish oils generally taste better and the amount of long-chain monoenes, which cause gastric distress, are dramatically reduced.

Top Ten Qualities to Look for in an Online Pharmacy

As you may have noted, there are thousands or even hundreds of thousands of websites selling pharmaceutical products or drugs. These are called ONLINE PHARMACIES or PHARMACIES ONLINE.

Can they be trusted? Are they safe?

Yes, in many cases but only if you are careful and exercise your due diligence: this is all the more necessary since the consequences of cheating with pharmaceutical products can be much more serious than, for example, being conned into buying a useless fiction ebook or piece of sofware.

It can even be literally a matter of life and death.

So, here are the top 10 qualities to look for in an online pharmacy.

Go through the list carefully, use it as a filter for all the online pharmacies you come across, and you'll be covered!

1. ADEQUATE PRODUCT INFORMATION: It should be absolutely honest, say what the product does, what it does not do, side effects, incompatibilities, even... possible after-effects etc..

2. QUALITY: FDA-approved prescription drugs. Storage, Processing, Shipping must be under full compliance with US and FDA Regulations

3/4. SAFETY, SECURITY: If possible it should be accredited by bodies such as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) - "one of the most stringent and respected accrediting organizations dedicated to continuously improving the safety and quality of care provided to the public".

5. EASE OF USE: Easy ordering process, Fast delivery (Fast FedEx Delivery options, if available), Clear and Easy-to-undertstand Instructions for use.

6. DISCRETION: Discreet packaging - is it really necessary for your closest neighbor to know what was in that nice package you received yesterday :-).

7. PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY: Free consultation online: Like many people, you probably find the anonymity of an online medical consultation rather more pleasant than what could be an embarrassing conversation with your personal physician and his/her office staff.

You complete an online medical questionnaire which is thoroughly reviewed by a licensed physician, and if found suitable for treatment, the prescription will be dispensed and shipped by a licensed pharmacy.

If the consulting physician has any questions or concerns regarding your medical history or needs more information, he or she should contact you by email or by phone.

8. PRICE: Discounted, as much as possible, provided low prices does not mean low quality!

9. INTERNATIONAL ORDERS, if you do not live in the US. This should not be overlooked: Some online pharmacies only sell to customers in the US and Canada. And in some cases, they only tell you AFTER you've gone through almost the whole of the ordering process. This can be quite frustrating.

10. GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE, including a toll free number for US residents and another number for international customers.

To be on the safe (and pleasant) side, always look for these top 10 qualities in an online pharmacy.

The Truth About What the American Pharmaceutical Industry Does Not Want You to Know

As pointed out by 'Jack Shapiro, an internationally-known healthcare marketing consultant 'For the first nine months of this year, the U.S. imported $40 billion in pharmaceuticals and exported only $21 billion. In 2003, we imported $50 billion and exported $23 billion.' So what makes buying from your local U.S. based pharmacy any safer then purchasing from Mexico or Canada?

Many of today's elderly (U.S.) cross the borders of Mexico and Canada in order to get their prescriptions filled at a huge discount. For some it has become a necessity because they simply can't afford necessary drug treatments any other way.

But what about those who don't live near the borders; how can they take advantage of these savings? Fact is there are a lot of prescription drugs that can be purchased online from international locations for a fraction of the cost people pay here in the United States. A good example of this is where many of today's best known brand drugs can be found such as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Zocor, Zoloft, Propecia and more. However they not only offer name brand drugs at sharp discounts they also give seniors the opportunity to buy generic versions of most of these name brand drugs for savings that can reach up to 80% less then their name brand counterparts!

When a drug company first invents a drug (eg. Prozac) that company is the only one allowed to make that drug for a certain number of years (approximately 10 years in the US). After this time period, other companies are allowed to make the same drug. These drugs are called generics. The original drug (eg. Prozac) is called a brand name drug. Brand name drugs and their generics are IDENTICAL in terms of active ingredients. The generic pills may look different (because they are made by a different company) but inside is exactly the same active ingredient which works in exactly the same way. The only difference between brand name drugs and generic drugs is that generics are always less expensive.

Most all drugs found at require a prescription so this licensed pharmacy can fill most orders by having the purchaser fax them their prescription and the shipped order can be tracked online. Another benefit to ordering this way is that there is no tax to be paid and orders are shipped internationally.

While some headway has been made in the last year or so in regards to reducing prescription drug costs for seniors, for now it's simply not enough for so many of our elderly. With the political clout of today's drug companies who converge on Washington D.C. like vultures I'm not sure the costs will ever get to the point where it should be. Until then places like with their name brand and generic low cost versions of many prescription drugs will continue to be another excellent low cost source for today's seniors.

Pharmaceuticals: The Next Frontier in America's War on Drugs

America's war on drugs, which has been fought in the opium fields of Afghanistan and the cocaine plantations of Columbia, will have to reinvent itself to combat what is set to be America's biggest drug abuse problem, pharmaceuticals. One in five American's, nearly 48 million, have used prescription drugs for non-medical purposes at least once in their lives. The current past month misuse rate among Americans is 6.2 million. According to a recent white paper by Carnevale Associates, this rate of use is already higher than the historical highs of both cocaine and heroin epidemics.

For some, the road to illicit use of prescription medications starts innocently. After a car accident, back injury, or, even, a mental/emotional breakdown a physician prescribes medication for a legitimate use. Over time, tolerance builds up so that more and more of the drug is needed until a state of dependence is reached. At this point, there is no easy way to get off the drug, and stopping can involve painful withdrawal symptoms. Some doctors have been known to become afraid and cut their patients off at this point. Patients have been known to steal prescription pads, or visit numerous doctors to get the drugs they have become addicted to.

However, contrary to popular belief, it is not older adults or any adults who are most likely to abuse pharmaceuticals. In the past decade, abuse of prescription meds among youth has been growing at an alarming first-time use rate of more than fifty percent each year. In 2002, the latest year for which there are statistics, approximately 2.5 million American's misused prescriptions for the first time and 44% of them were under the age of 18.

Unfortunately, as the media fixes its gaze on the methamphetamine problem; and the Office of National Drug Control Policy spends much of its time focusing on Marijuana the opportunity to address the pharmaceutical addiction and abuse is being missed. While certain steps have been taken they have been tentative. The ONDCP has drawn up a strategy for addressing synthetic drugs, but no serious media campaign to educate Americans about the problem has been undertaken. Nor has any pharmaceutical company been brought to heel for manufacturing drugs with high abuse potential even when alternatives may exist.

The next battle in America's war on drugs must draw a bead on pharmaceuticals. The ONDCP must be willing to launch the same type of hard hitting ad campaigns against prescription drug abuse as it has against, marijuana, ecstasy and cocaine. The FDA must not be afraid to sanction drug manufacturers who continue to make unsafe drugs where safe alternatives exist. Pharmaceutical manufactures must become better citizens and spend the research and development dollars to make safe and effective drugs, rather than taking the easy way out.

This new phase of the war on drugs, without easily targeted foreigners to blame for America's drug abuse problems, will take unwavering political resolve, corporate citizenship and ingenuity. Even then it is likely to take years before the trend of increases in prescription medicine abuse and addiction can be reversed.

Common Prescription Drugs of Abuse:

Opioids: these are synthetic versions of opium. Intended for pain management opioids are the most commonly abused prescription drugs. OxyContin (oxycodone), Vicodin (hydrocodone) and Demerol (meperidine) are the most popular for abuse. Short-term side effects can include pain relief, euphoria, and drowsiness. Overdose can lead to death. Long-term use can lead to dependence or addiction.

Depressants: These drugs are commonly prescribed to treat anxiety; panic attacks, and sleep disorders. Nembutal (pentobarbital sodium), Valium (diazepam), and Xanax (alprazolam) are just three of the many drugs in this category. Immediately slow down normal brain functioning and can cause sleepiness Long-term use can lead to physical dependence and addiction.

Stimulants: Doctors may prescribe these to treat the sleeping disorder narcolepsy or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD. Ritalin (methylphenidate) and Dexedrine (dextroamphetamine) are two commonly prescribed stimulants. These drugs enhance brain activity and increase alertness and energy in much the same way as cocaine or methamphetamine. They increase blood pressure; speed up heart rate, and respiration. Very high doses can lead to irregular heartbeat and hyperthermia.

Pharmaceutical Branding

Branding is such an important aspect of business that even apparently boring products such as pharmaceutical products, drugs and medicines become interesting and exciting.

Pharmaceutical industry branding is immature compared with the consumer and business-to-business segments—but that is largely by choice. For decades, a pharmaceutical company’s brand success formula was simple: discover a drug that was needed, introduce it to the doctor via a sales rep, and watch the prescriptions get filled. What is more, the products themselves, secured under a decade of patented protection, were almost guaranteed to generate large profits. Integrated brand strategies were unheard of and unimportant. A scientist—whose role was discovery and development, not marketing—directed the corporation.

Gone are the days when companies used to release products with out much thought to branding, especially pharmaceutical branding. Now pharmaceutical companies are are starting to work on developing the pharmaceutical brand even before the product is fully tested and ready for production.

Pharmaceutical branding is an important way of creating awareness among the public to the potential benefits of drugs and medicines. The marketing process and branding give the public ready knowledge of what the product is about and thereby induces them to buy that particular product from among many other similar products in the market.

As more and more pharmaceutical companies start realizing the importance and the power of brands. So how do companies brand their products to stay ahead of the competition? To start with a good name is important. In fact a great name is very important! A great name can increase the value of a product brand and in turn the revenue, where as a poorly chosen name can lead to disaster for the product.

Marketing teams are spending more and more resources on getting the name of the pharmaceutical product right. However naming a drug or medicine is not the same as naming an electronic consumer product. Careful thought and consideration to all important factors is required for a pharmaceutical product.

If the product is going to be sold internationally then the name should not be wrong when translated into the local languages.

The second most important part of pharmaceutical branding is the product logo design. The logo has to be in tune with the target market with the exact font and colors. Iconic pharmaceutical logo design or illustrative logo design can create a great impact on the consumers.

Then comes packaging. The packaging of pills and other pharmaceutical products is very important. Like the name, the packaging and pill can't look like other products that may sit on a nearby shelf.

Also psychological issues are carefully examined. Take the pill shape and color. If a pill is large, and might seem difficult to swallow, dark colors such as black will be avoided because they make it seem even larger. If the pill has high toxicity levels, then a "hot" color such as red is avoided because it subliminally gives off a feeling of threat, experts say.

Pharmaceutical branding also heavily depends on the marketing and promotional materials. Every thing from brochures to the product leaflet has to be crafted to reflect the brand and appeal to the target market. Pharmaceutical products for children should have bright colored cut outs and packaging to appeal to children.

Rogue Online Pharmacies: The Internet War Of 2005

Online Pharmacy owners who haven't been working within moral and governmental regulations are in for the ride of their lives. In past months, many of these so called "rogue pharmacies" have either voluntarily shut down or been closed by the powers that be. However, the major illegitimate players have been unable to cover their tracks, and some have been outright irresponsible.

Back in 2002, it was easy and comforting to start a personal affiliate site for one of the few legitimate online pharmacies around. However, from 2003 on it became clear that some business-savvy people thought it was fine to sell counterfeit prescription medications, or even go as far as charging a hefty "doctor's fee" for processing an online consultation when no doctors were involved!

Since those days began, numerous restrictions of trade have been put into effect over the whole span of online pharmacy industry. These restrictions are, so far, limited mainly to advertising. But, without quality advertising, how can one's business acquire customers? For example, search engine giant Google made a policy change which prohibited online pharmacy advertisers from using its AdWords pay-per-click ad service; that is, unless they had a SquareTrade online pharmacy license. I won't even get into the problems with that system.

In the past months, anyone who watches the health news sector has read all the stories of online pharmacy owners going to jail for 4 years on average and being required to forfeit most of their assets such as Porsche sports cars and penthouses. After all, when you get away charge large fees for services you don't provide, the cash should just roll in.

Recent news reports talk of the software company Microsoft and Pfizer teaming up to shut down a whole network or ring of illegitimate online pharmacies. Out of a total of 17 law suits, named operations include "CanadaPharmacy," "E-Pharmacy Direct," "DiscountRx," "VirtualRx", and "EzyDrugStore."

The reasoning behind this latest group of law suits stands on the platform of ridding the online pharmacy industry of sellers of counterfeit drugs. These cases involve counterfeit versions of Pfizer's flagship medication, Viagra, a safe solution to the embarrassing and stressful problem of erectile dysfunction. If this is about drugs, you ask, then why is Microsoft involved? Well, as the owner of the Hotmail free email service used by millions of people, the company seems to have vowed to do all it can to kill off the companies such as those above, who send out hundreds of millions of emails to Hotmail customers, carefully crafted to get past current spam filters.

Just What Is Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil?

The answer to that question would depend on who you ask.

If you asked the typical manufacturer of vitamin supplements, using standard food grade material, the answer would be “There is no such thing as pharmaceutical grade fish oil”. If you asked a practicing physician like me, I would tell you, “Pharmaceutical grade fish all is the only type of fish oil I would ever put into my body”. So just what does the term “pharmaceutical grade” mean?

First, it's important for you to understand that the FDA does not, at this moment, regulate vitamin supplements; therefore, any manufactured vitamin supplement is not evaluated by the FDA, so it’s not really a pharmaceutical.

Prescription drugs require very stringent purity and ingredient testing before they are considered safe by the regulatory bodies. In this country, technically speaking, food supplements do not require that high a degree of stringent purity testing.

However, a small band of manufacturers like me have dedicated ourselves to producing only the finest quality nutritional supplements. We therefore, use the term "pharmaceutical grade" to describe our products.

Simply put, what this means is, if the FDA were to make fish oil a prescription drug tomorrow, our product would pass muster. This is because we have stringent purity testing and allow no detectable levels of pollutants in our fish oil or any other of our products, for that matter.

This is a time-consuming and often expensive process, but yields the absolute best product money can buy. For the past couple of years, the debate has raged over pharmaceutical grade terminology. Many companies that do not apply the stringent high-grade procedures to guarantee the quality of their products are literally furious at the term “pharmaceutical grade”. They would like to see it banished from use because it puts them at a serious disadvantage. It earmarks their product, especially fish oil, as substandard.

Lets take a look at a recent Consumer Reports article on the purity of fish oil. Several different brands of fish oil were tested in this particular study. The conclusion reached was that all fish oils have about the same amount of pollutant levels, 1 ppm of lead, for example. Therefore the consumer should go out and buy the cheapest brand of fish oil possible since there would be no difference between them other than price.

Well my friend, the devil is in the details. Let's take our product Dr. Dave's Best Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil as an example. Recent independent laboratory testing yielded no mercury, and no lead at any detectable level. What this translates into is a purity of parts per trillion rather than parts per million. Those three zeros make a big difference. This could be the difference between you ingesting mercury at detectable levels in as little as one year’s time, versus ingesting no mercury over a lifetime.

Why is this important?

Mercury is the most toxic metal that naturally occurs on planet Earth. It would take only a very small amount of mercury in a water supply to make it undrinkable by the Environmental Protection Agency standards. Mercury can cause brain damage that looks very much like Alzheimer's dementia. You may have heard the term “mad as a hatter” from reading Alice in Wonderland, or simply as a cliché. Many years ago, hat makers used dyes that contained mercury, so they often suffered from severe brain damage as a result. As our population continues to age and brain health becomes a critical issue not just from Alzheimer's disease, but from other forms of dementia, it should become apparent that we should all strive to keeps our brains as healthy and toxin free as possible. This is one way in which my pharmaceutical grade fish oil stands out.

Now let’s take a look at lead. Most people know that lead exposure is toxic. In a particular area where I grew up there were battery plants. In these battery plants constant lead testing of the employees was undertaken to prevent permanent damage. Lead toxicity can have many serious consequences, including nerve problems, mental problems, blood problems, and kidney failure.

Sadly, lead and mercury are not the only pollutants found in our water supplies and our fish. Byproducts of the petroleum industry, including polyvinyl chlorides and biphenyl compounds are also found throughout the world. Some manufactures of fish oil note that all their fish sources come from above the Arctic Circle. This is the case with our fish oil also; however, we still subject it to very stringent purification methods using a proprietary process called molecular distillation. We do this because we recognize that even fish caught above the Arctic Circle are exposed to pollution. Therefore, where you catch your fish really doesn't matter all that much. What matters the most is what you do with your fish oil after you get it. Please do not be misled by anyone claiming that they have found a pure source of fish that requires no processing.

Some of the physical health problems associated with these types of petroleum pollutants include breathing problems, kidney failure, weakness and fatigue.

Taken as a whole, it is very important, that whatever you put into your body maintains the highest purity standards you can get, because you don't want to load up any of your organ systems, especially your brain and your heart with toxic pollutants.

There is yet another pollutant and a problem, which as far as I know, we are the only manufacturer who addresses. This is the problem of radiation.

Again, depending on where you catch your fish, you will see high levels of pollutants, among them radiation. For example, Pacific caught salmon have a higher underlying level of pollutants, including radiation.

You may have heard the term, Pacific Rim of Fire. The Pacific Rim of Fire stretches from the coast of California, up to Alaska, all the way down through Japan, and some of the islands of the Far East. This term basically refers to volcanic activity in the area where the bowels of the earth churn. They release extra radiation. Sadly, radiation pollution is a problem in this area of the world. No one is sure why there is extra metallic pollutants in Pacific salmon. It is simply a fact of life. At this time therefore, we use only Atlantic caught salmon, herring and other such oily fish from above the Arctic Circle.

It is amazing that some of this pollution can actually come from sunken Soviet nuclear submarines. This is in addition to background radiation. The chemical that is tested for in radiation testing is cesium. We maintain an extremely low level of background radiation in all of our products. Again, as far as I know, no one else even bothers to test for.

Is this stringent testing, that makes our product superior to all the rest on the market. Now let's look at some human examples. Let's say you wanted your mother or father to experience the benefits of my pharmaceutical grade fish oil. You could rest assured that you would not be in any way, causing harm to the fragile brain of an elderly person. Studies have shown that fish oil may indeed improve memory behavior and performance in the demented patient. Now let's look at the opposite end of the spectrum, a pregnant mother or newborn baby. There are many studies that show improved hand eye coordination and increased fetal development before birth. Fewer diseases of childhood and adult especially allergic diseases and in some cases, even a higher IQ in children who are adequately supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. For the teenager, there may be some serious benefits to acne, attention deficit disorder and concentration levels from taking fish oil as well. In each case, we cannot use the term treatment, because the FDA will not allow it, however in my own clinical practice, this is exactly the term I use. I do essentially use fish oil as a medicine. Therefore, I insist on only the highest quality for my products. Once again, if you were to take this and make it a prescription drug tomorrow, it would pass all the stringent testing the FDA would subject to. For this reason, we proudly use the term pharmaceutical grade fish oil.

There is another thing you should know about Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil. Because of its absolute purity, the most common side effect, "Fish Burp" is a rare occurrence indeed.

Dr. Dave's Best Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil, physician used, physician tested, my best to you and your family.

Every Pharmaceutical Drug LEECHES Nutrients From Your Body

Are you currently on one or more pharmaceutical drugs? Perhaps you are not aware, but every pharmaceutical drug depletes the body of various nutrients, depriving your cells of the essential raw materials which drive normal, natural cell function. The data on our industrialized food supply already suggestes that each of us is not getting enough nutrition from diet alone. If you're taking one or more pharmaceutical drugs, your situtation is likely to be even worse.

In the Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook the following information is listed.

"HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors delete the body of Coenzyme Q10, an important nutrient, and that result of this depletion could lead to mitochondrial dysfunction, decreased body function, and decreased cardiac output."

How could that be affecting your life if you are currently on one of those drugs? Perhaps you should consider a high-quality supplement that contains Qoenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) so make up for your depletion.

If you found our your were iron deficient (anemic), you'd probably take an iron supplement, right?

Other items listed in the Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook.

"Many anticonvulsants cause a depletion of Vitamin D, folic acid, and calcium. Depleting these nutrients has the potential to cause problems such as osteoporosis, muscle weakness, blood pressure irregularities, and heart disease."

In this case, perhaps you should consider a high-quality multivitamin supplement to simply replace the nutrients your body needs.

"Almost every antibiotic causes a disruption of normal bowel flora and a reduction in the production of important vitamins, leading to diarrhea and other gastrointestinal side effects."

I have a personal experience where my life was saved through antibiotics, but I certainly experienced these side effects. Fortunately there are quality bowel flora supplements which help provide the body with normal levels of intestinal bacteria. This is critical in the metabolization of many vitamins, such as the Vitamin B family.

Here's what the Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook has to say about Estrogen Replacement Therapy.

"Taking Estrogen Replacement Therapy can cause a depletion of important B vitamins, leadingto anxiety, depression, cardiovascular disease, and depression."

Again perhaps you should choose a high-quality multivitamin supplement and also provide the nutrients that support normal endocrine function.

The Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion Handbook provides a drug index, which alphabetically lists drugs by both brand and generic name, with cross-references and the scientific basis, studies and abstracts for the research which determined which nutrients are depleted by the particular drug. It also lists nutrient information with concise descriptions of the effects of depletion. What medications are you taking that are depriving your body of essential nutrients?

Can Mexican Pharmacy Purchases Be Trusted?

Purchasing drugs from a Mexican pharmacy is, for the most part, a very safe and inexpensive way of getting the medical supplies that you require. Since the laws in Mexico are very different than in the US, as most drugs are readily available without a prescription (except for some controlled substances and all narcotics), purchasing drugs from a Mexican pharmacy should be a fairly painless process.

However, there are some risks associated with purchasing drugs from a Mexican pharmacy – but they are no more risky than any other purchase you’d make on the Internet today. Awareness is the first step, and this article will help you become a more informed health care consumer so that you make the best drug-related choices for you and your loved ones.


Unfortunately, counterfeit drugs are on the rise in the Mexican pharmaceutical world, and it’s almost impossible to spot a fake these days without the help of a trained laboratory technician. The best way to avoid this situation is to only purchase your medications from a Mexican pharmacy that requires a prescription. Although by Mexican law a prescription is not required, a pharmacy that asks for one is usually on the up and up.

Expiry Dates:

It’s not only the prescriptions that aren’t required in Mexico; pharmacists are also not required to be licensed. And without a license, many pharmacists just don’t realize (or don’t care) that expired or poorly stored drugs can be hurtful. Make sure to ask about your Mexican pharmacy’s licensing requirements, if there are any, before filling any prescriptions to alleviate this concern.

Misplaced Replacements:

If your doctor has prescribed a drug, do not accept another generic drug, or replacement drug, from your Mexican pharmacy. Since you aren’t a medical doctor yourself, you have no idea what this ‘new’ drug will do to you, or how it will affect your lifestyle or any other medications you are taking. In short, don’t accept replacements, and go elsewhere if you aren’t given any other option. If you would rather a generic drug, then ask your doctor to prescribe it you to, first, and then take that prescription with you to the Mexican pharmacy.

Language Barrier:

Many drugs that you order from a Mexican pharmacy will come labeled in Spanish, or in broken English. Alternatively, your medication can be mislabeled, not labeled at all, or do not have the proper information attached. Make sure to ask first how your pills will be labeled before you purchase anything.

Shipping Time:

Check around; most Mexican pharmacies can take anywhere from 7 days to 6 weeks to deliver your much-needed medications, as opposed to the pharmacy down the street who can probably get you exactly what you need within minutes. Sure, the price may be dramatic, but have you checked the shipping costs as well? Is it really that good of a deal?

Although this article may seem a bit harsh, it’s not intended to be. An informed consumer is a smart consumer, and many excellent Mexican pharmacies exist that will cater to your every need. Just keep these points in mind when you’re surfing the Net for medications, and you’ll be sure to find the best Mexican pharmacy for your needs.

With Reports Of Death, FDA Warns Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients Against Pharmaceutical Drug Tysabri

Greg Jones & Associates, a North Carolina-based law firm, in association with, launches a marketing campaign to increase awareness of the Multiple Sclerosis drug, Tysabri. Makers of Tysabri, Biogen Idec Inc. and Elan Pharmaceuticals Inc., have recently taken the drug off the market and sent out warnings to doctors.

In November 2004, Biogen Idec and Elan Corporation received approval from the FDA to market and distribute Tysabri (natalizumab). Only four months later, February 2005, the drug was quickly removed from the market after the FDA received several reports of severe illness and death in patients prescribed Tysabri and Avonex. In several cases, the patient or corpse was diagnosed with Progressive Multifocal Leukoencephalopathy (PML), a rare brain infection that directly affects the central nervous system. Symptoms of PML are similar to a stroke: headaches, memory loss, speech and vision difficulties, limb weakness, and partial paralysis; the disease leads to coma then to death.

To date, approximately 3,000 patients have been involved in clinical trials or prescribed Tysabri for multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Biogen Idec and Elan Pharmaceuticals hope to redistribute the drug after extensive evaluations of Tysabri and the possible link to PML.

Biogen merged with IDEC Pharmaceuticals in 2003, creating the billion-dollar company, Biogen Idec, which is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Biogen Idec also has another MS drug in the news: the bread-winning drug, Avonex, the most widely prescribed Multiple Sclerosis drug in the world with revenues of $1.4 billion in 2004 has recently been linked to increased risk of liver damage and liver failure.

Greg Jones & Associates is urging patients that have had adverse side effects with the prescription drugs Tysabri or Avonex, to have their case reviewed at; each case will be evaluated by a lawyer at no charge.

An Introduction To Online Mexican Pharmacy

Are you frustrated with the high prices of prescription drugs? Take a look at a Mexican Pharmacy. Not only can you save a lot of money but you can also be sure that you are getting quality medicines and online customer service that provides you all the necessary information on drugs. Whether you are looking for prescription medication or herbal products Mexican Pharmacy is your souce for your purchasing medicines.These are all claims that are associated with Mexican pharmacies catering today. But there are some risks involve in it too, which cannot be totally ignored. Awareness is one sure step towards better informed consumer for health care products.

Expired Drugs:

All drugs and medcations are reviewed but make sure to ask about your Mexican pharmacy’s licensing requirements, if there are any, before filling any prescriptions to alleviate the concern of getting expired drugs.

Generic Medications:

Keeping in view the ever increasing prices of prescription drugs these days Mexican Pharmacy also offers generic medications which are virtually the same as their brand name counterpart. But its advisible to check with your doctors for precribed generic medicine instead of taking one informed by the pharmacy.

Shipping Time

Free delivery on your doorstep and complete discretion over shopping are some of the added benefits you get while purchasing from Mexican Pharmacy. Instead the actual delivery time can vary from seven days to six weeks. Undue wasteage of time for a much needed medicine.

Language Problem

Many medicines available from a Mexican Pharmacy is labeled in Spanish, or in broken English. Hence important information is lost, so make sure to ask first how your pills will be labeled before you purchase anything.

Remember, when you are surfing the net for medications you might be misguided. So this article although alarming is only intended for consumer information to help you make the correct decision and choose the best Mexican Pharmacy to cater to your needs.

What You Need to Know about Using an Online Pharmacy

When using an online pharmacy you will generally be able to shop for all of the typical pharmacy items you are accustomed to like vitamins, over the counter medicines, diabetic supplies, and the like. Also, you will be able to have your prescription filled by the online pharmacy and either pick it up in store or have it mailed to you. Different pharmacies have different rules regarding mailing prescription drugs, so you should check with your online pharmacy regarding any special rules.

Once you have entered all of your information from prescription number to your name and address, as well as other identifying factors, the online pharmacy website will ask you for your insurance payment information as well as how you want to pay for the prescription. Some online pharmacies will allow you to either pay online or at the store for in store pickup. However, if you are ordering for delivery from the online pharmacy you will have to pay online.

Always be sure your online pharmacy has a secure checkout system. You can be sure of this if in the direction bar it says https:// rather than just http://. That extra s means the page is secure and you can enter your payment information without the stress of wondering whether your information will be stolen while using the online pharmacy.

An online pharmacy is generally the web presence of your general pharmacy. However, you should always check for verification of your online pharmacy before you place any orders. You will want to make sure your online pharmacy is a Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Site as is defined by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. If you have any questions or concerns about an online pharmacy then find another online pharmacy that seems more legit or can at least answer your questions.

When you search for online pharmacy on the Internet you will get plenty of results from some of the bigger chains. If you are familiar with these pharmacy chains then you should trust their online chain as well. Remember, never enter any credit or bank information on an online pharmacy website unless the site is secure.

Online Pharmacies Offer Convenience and Privacy

I experienced an extremely embarrassing moment in public the other day that I hope to never experience again. It was the kind of moment that can crush a person’s confidence and send them rushing for cover mentally. It was one of those moments that makes the classic nightmare of going to school in your underwear look like a pleasant occasion.

I am a grown man and I was always taught that grown men cannot run from their problems, so when I recently discovered that I was having problems living up to my end of the bargain in bed with my wife, I had to accept that I was not the young buck I used to be many years ago. Many men over forty experience this problem and there are many solutions to it. Most of these solutions include some sort of prescription pharmaceutical drug that needs to be purchased at a pharmacy. A trip to the doctor’s office for a prescription of Viagra or Cialis followed by a trip to the pharmacy and you are on your way to feeling twenty-five again when asked to perform sex.

My doctor set me right up with a prescription and I wasted no time going to my local pharmacy to get my Viagra. I walked right up to the counter and handed over my prescription to the pharmacist, who happened to be an attractive young lady. I felt a little embarrassed revealing my sexual problem to her, but I just kept telling myself that she was a professional and would not be judgmental of me. She did her best to act professional, but I could have sworn that I detected a slight smile on her face as she told me “it will be ready in about five minutes”. I smiled back at her nervously and told her “I will wait”, and then I took a seat over on a nearby bench.

As I was waiting for my prescription of Viagra a most interesting thing happened. In walked an ex-girlfriend from college that I almost married. We had a very tumultuous relationship for three years that ended in my senior year when I finally broke up with her. For some reason she did not see it coming, and she was quite torn up emotionally about the whole thing. I guess my immaturity at that time insulated me from the emotional pain that the more mature members of the female gender endure when they experience a breakup in college. To me the breakup was no big deal, but to her it seemed like the end of the world. I guess only one of us was capable of being in love at that time.

I had not seen this woman in over twenty years, and all of a sudden there she was standing right in front of me in my neighborhood pharmacy. After an awkward meeting we began to talk a little bit. She seemed intent on asking me all sorts of questions about how my life was going, as if she had the right to know. I was quite stand-offish, and only offered basic information with a slight amount of embellishment to make me look good. Then came the question she had been waiting over twenty years to ask: “Are you married?” she inquired with an overly curious-looking grin on her face. I did not want to give her any kind of satisfaction of knowing that my marriage had been experiencing a bit of a crisis lately due to my sexual ineptness, so I told her “yes” and followed it up with “and quite happily too”. She sensed that I was not quite sincere with my answer, and that seemed to embolden her. I was clearly rattled, and wanted to get out of that conversation as soon as possible. Right at that moment the pharmacist called out to me and said that my order was ready. I broke away from my conversation with my ex-girlfriend and shuffled over to the counter where the nice young lady was waiting with my order in hand. Much to my dismay, my ex-girlfriend shuffled right up to the counter and stood right next to me as the pharmacist was ringing up my order at the register. She said to me “it was nice to see you”, and then she immediately zeroed in on my prescription bottle to see what kind of drug I was ordering. It was at that moment my whole aura of confidence was shattered. She looked back up at me and said “see ya’ around…” She then grinned from ear to ear and said “…and don’t forget to take those pills a couple hours before sex or they won’t help you at all…so I’ve heard.” A nervous laugh was all I could manage as a reply, and then I just turned and walked out of that pharmacy with my tail between my legs. It was a moment of sweet revenge for my ex-girlfriend, and a moment of extreme humiliation for me.

All of this humiliation could have been avoided if I had just decided to order my Viagra online instead of at a brick and mortar pharmacy store. Ordering online is safe, fast, and convenient. Most online pharmacies like offer overnight delivery, and your prescriptions are delivered in plain packages that will not reveal to anyone that there is a product inside that deals with any highly sensitive conditions you may have. All reputable online pharmacies have secure sites that are SSL certified so that any credit card or bank information you enter is kept completely safe from hackers or phishers. They are licensed pharmacists who get the same FDA approved drugs that your neighborhood pharmacy gets. All you have to do is access one of these web sites online, order your prescription drugs with a credit card and the order will usually arrive the very next day at your front door via a courier service like UPS or FEDEX. What could be more safe, fast and convenient than that?

In most cases, buying prescription drugs online is cheaper than buying them at a traditional pharmacy. The online stores have less overhead. They do not have to pay for salaries and benefits of store employees, not to mention an expensive lease for their store. These kinds of savings are passed on to the online customers by the owners the online pharmacies and this makes for very good prices on all prescription drugs.

Whether you order Viagra, Cialis, Propecia, Zoloft, Penicillin or a prescription for hemorrhoids, no-one but you will know if you order your prescriptions at an online pharmacy. Even the FEDEX person who delivers your medications will have no idea of the contents in your packages. And if that FEDEX person just so happens to an old girlfriend who is looking to validate in her mind that it was a good thing you and her broke up, then she will be denied that satisfaction.

Copyright 2006. Michael P. Connelly

The Pharmacist Says...Understand Cough and Congestion

Today, there are numerous oral cough and congestion medications available at the neighborhood drug store. The list of medications can be overwhelming to patients. Organizing these medications into 4 categories simplifies the process of choosing a medication and preventing drug interactions and reactions.

The categories are:

1. Antihistamines
2. Decongestants
3. Cough Suppressants
4. Expectorants

Antihistamines are used for allergy symptoms and relief of a runny nose. Some common antihistamines are diphenhydramine (Benadryl), loratadine (Claritin), and chlopheniramine maleate (Chlor-Trimeton). Benadryl causes drowsiness and is used in several OTC sleep medications (for example, Tylenol PM). Benadryl is also used as an antitussive in some OTC cough medications (Benylin). Exercise caution after taking Benadryl because of the sedation associated with it. Claritin is a nonsedating antihistamine.

Decongestants are used to relieve nasal stuffiness or congestion. Decongestants can also relieve pressure in the ears. Some common decongestants are pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) and phenylephrine (Sudafed PE). Decongestants can elevate blood pressure. Patients should consult their physician before taking any decongestants.

Cough suppressants are used to relieve cough. Some common cough suppressants are dextromethoraphan (used in Robitussin DM) and diphenhydramine (Benylin).

Expectorants are used to thin secretions. A common expectorant is guaifenesin (Mucinex). Water also acts as a natural mycolytic by thining out the secretions.

Cough and congestion medications contain one or more of these categories. For example, some medications contain a cough suppressant and an antihistamine. It is very important to check the medication’s active ingredients box to determine what is contained in the medication.

Always check with you doctor or pharmacist before taking a cough and congestion medication if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, diabetes, trouble urinating due to an enlarged prostate, or had an obstruction or narrowing of the bowel. Also, do not take any cold medications if you are taking a Monamine Oxidase Inhibitor (Certain drugs used for depression, psychiatric, or emotional conditions, or Parkinson’s disease), or for 2 weeks after stopping the MAOI drug. If you do not know if your prescription drug contains a MAOI, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Natural Supplements vs. Pharmaceutical Drugs: The Politics of Surviving Cancer

It is understandable that a medicinal drug having undergone double blind studies, several years of research, and millions of dollars spent on that research, should have a place of credibility. But what if the entire system was flawed to begin with, money and time wasted on treating a symptom rather than working to find a cure or better yet, prevention of the disease? Or what if the system was more than flawed but in many cases left the person in a less healthy state after having completed treatment using a pharmaceutical drug? With all of our knowledge about how the human body works, knowing its intolerance of unnatural elements, why are we, as medical patients, so accepting of the idea that we should be treating ourselves with synthetic drugs that are virtually poison to our body? To relieve one symptom we acquire two or three new symptoms, a new chronic condition we need to deal with and, of course, another prescription medication to fill each month.

Of course, those involved in the area of holistic medicine can never claim to cure, prevent, or treat a disease, even if that is the intended outcome and regardless of the numerous individuals finding themselves to be in a state of improved health. Only drug companies can make such claims. In fact, they own those words. Whether or not that right is deserved is irrelevant. It is worth noting, however, that most natural supplements have endured centuries of product testing.

Because of my interest in finding a holistic approach to addressing cancer, I recently came to distribute a product called Natural Cellular Defense which is a patented liquid detoxification product made from zeolite technology, marketed by the company of Waiora. Initially it was being researched as a cancer drug, however, because it is all natural, it was instead introduced to the market as a supplement. Studies show Natural Cellular Defense has the ability to remove heavy metals and harmful toxins in a safe and effective manner as well as activate the p21 tumor suppressor gene in cancerous cells. It also happens to be 100% non-toxic and is completely safe for all ages. This natural health product alone could conceivably help alleviate the toxins and waste accumulating in the average person, responsible for many chronic diseases. But no matter how many people are helped by taking this natural supplement, we make no claims. It is not a drug.

For years I have been frustrated by the radical and harmful techniques employed when treating tumors in cancer patients and would like to see non-toxic methods given greater attention and legitimacy. There is also far too much time and effort placed on detection rather than prevention of the disease. Prevention is the key, not detection. Detection means the disease has had a chance to manifest itself and take hold. At the very least we should not be poisoning a body with toxic drugs once a diagnosis has been made.

Here is the list of potential side effects of chemotherapy and you be the judge as to whether this sounds like a viable treatment option: Low hemoglobin, low white blood cells, low platelets, infection, need for blood transfusion, need for platelet transfusion, pain, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, skin injury, heart damage, lung damage, liver damage, kidney damage, loss of hearing, small stature, hormonal problems such as low growth hormone or low thyroid hormone, infertility, second cancer, intellectual decline, worsening of neurological symptoms, ineffectiveness, and death.

To understand better the hypocrisy of cancer treatment, consider the following: One of the largest and most prestigious cancer treatment centers in the world, The McGill Cancer Center in Canada, did a study of oncologists to determine how they would respond to a diagnosis of cancer. On the confidential questionnaire, 58 out of 64 doctors said that all chemotherapy programs were unacceptable to them and their family members. The overwhelming reason for this decision was that they believe the drugs are ineffective and have an unacceptable degree of toxicity. Do you imagine these same doctors are recommending chemotherapy treatment to shrink their patient’s tumors? Yes, indeed they are, as they must if they wish to follow standard protocol. There are alternative, non-toxic treatments available to cancer patients, but you must work to find these natural treatments on your own.

Of course, you may find a natural treatment you would like to pursue only to discover the medical profession standing in the way of implementing your treatment plan. A few years ago, I came across a story which is truly heart breaking. It involves a two year old boy named Alexander who was diagnosed with the most common pediatric brain tumor, medulloblastoma. After substantial consideration and thoughtful research by the parents following Alexander’s two brain surgeries, the parents chose for their son a non-toxic therapy, proven to be highly effective in treatment of brain cancer. However, the FDA denied the parents access to this treatment and the parents were informed by their oncologists that without their state of the art chemotherapy, the cancer would soon return. Alexander completed his third month of chemotherapy in December 1998 and died on January 31, 1999. He was just two and a half years old.

For you see, the state-of-the-art chemotherapy protocol recommended by the oncologists had already proven itself to be ineffective in pediatric brain tumors back four years earlier. The exact same chemotherapy drugs provided to Alexander in 1998 had been administered to children of the same age with the same brain tumor as Alexander with similar results. Of course, the parents were never informed about the failure of this therapy. You should note that when the parents hesitated to bring Alexander in for chemotherapy the oncologists were already preparing to take control by court order. The parents wanted to use a non-toxic treatment alternative, proven to be effective, and yet were forced to use an ineffectual, toxic treatment.

I am afraid these parents may have been harmed twice over by the medical establishment for there is also the possibility that the brain tumor was caused by vaccinations containing Thimerosal, commonly used in vaccinations at that time and responsible for numerous cases of neurological disorders in children, such as autism, ADD/HD, and brain tumors.

You can learn more about Alexander’s story by visiting

Just how dangerous is chemotherapy?

The following excerpt can be found on the University of Iowa’s website. Their protocol for dealing with “chemo spills” conjures images of a rather frightening scene of contamination because it is, in fact, a serious state of contamination. It reads as follows:

Patients and caregivers shall be taught safe, proper, handling and disposal of waste generated during continuous infusions of chemotherapy.

The following procedures should be implemented immediately if a chemotherapy leak or spill should occur:

1. Put on a pair of disposable latex gloves.

2. If chemo has spilled on clothing, remove immediately and take a shower, scrubbing the exposed skin with soap and water. Watch for redness, blistering, or a burning sensation. Contact your nurse to report the spill. She will give you further instructions if necessary.

3. Remove any and all sharp objects, placing them into your sharps container or any can with a lid such as a coffee can.

4. Soak up the spill with an absorbent disposable material, such as paper towels.

5. Disinfect the spill area with soap and water or a household cleaner such as window cleaner, 409, alcohol, bleach, or liquid carpet cleaner.

6. Put the absorbent material and the gloves into a chemotherapy waste container or garbage bag and carefully mark it. It will be picked up later by the pharmacy personnel.

7. If a spill occurs on a patient's or caregiver's clothing or sheets, these articles should be washed separately from regular laundry in hot water.

8. If a spill occurs on unprotected furniture, the area should be scrubbed with soap and water and rinsed with clean water while wearing protective chemo safety gloves.

9. Patients and caregivers should be taught to use care when handling vomitus or excretions of the patient for 48 hours post treatment and to use good handwashing technique.

Now imagine the “spill” they are referring to as chemicals that an individual with cancer will be taking into their body because that is indeed the case.

By no means do I wish to demonize the medical profession as a whole because there are many quality doctors and instances when prescription drugs may be necessary, however, I encourage caution when taking advice that will affect your health. It is important to consider the possibility that sometimes the medical establishment may be leading us down the wrong path. Natural therapies may not be able to claim to cure or treat disease but sometimes you need to just take a step back and perform your own due diligence, take a look at the results and come to your own conclusion.

Copyright 2006 Paula Rothstein

Starting Salary and Income Ranges for Pharmaceutical Drug Sales Representatives

When I was a pharmaceutical drug sales representative, I remember that one of the doctors I called on had asked me how much money drug representatives make. When I told him the different salary ranges, he was very surprised, especially with what the high performers can make in this field.

The fact is that overall incomes of pharmaceutical drug sales representatives can come from a few different sources including base salary, sales bonuses and other benefits.

Base Salary

The main component of income for a drug representative of course is the base salary. The starting salary for recent university or college graduates with no prior experience in sales could be in the mid $30,000s to $40,000s range. Those with a few years of related work experience could negotiate to the higher end of this range.

Base salaries typically increase quite well with years of service to a pharmaceutical company. After several years, the base salary of a drug sales representative could be in the $50,000s to $70,000s range. Promotions to specialist hospital pharmaceutical sales positions will often result in an even higher range.

Sales Bonuses for Good Performance

Most pharmaceutical sales forces reward their drug reps with financial sales bonuses if certain quotas are achieved or exceeded. Depending on how much sales quotas or budgets are exceeded, the bonus component of a drug rep’s overall earnings can be very significant. This is how the big money in pharmaceutical sales is made.

High performers can earn bonuses that push their overall earnings to six figures. On top of that, the top pharmaceutical sales representatives can win special vacation trips as part of performance incentives.

Company Car and Other Perks

The use of the company car and other perks such as excellent health benefits will amount to the equivalent of several thousand dollars so these should also be taken into account. The cost of a recent model car and all the expenses associated with it such as fuel plus repairs do add up. All of these auto expenses are covered by the company. This is a very nice perk when considering that in most other jobs, car expenses come out from one's own pocket.

So when evaluating job offers from pharmaceutical companies, new sales reps who have never been in the industry should not worry too much about starting salaries. Income will go up significantly if performance is there. It is much more important to get the sales experience first and then in the future, there is always the option to move to other pharmaceutical companies if the overall earning potentials are greater elsewhere.

Online Pharmacy what you MUST Know

At an online pharmacy, you can browse and shop for all the normal pharmacy items you are accustomed too, health care items, vitamins, over the counter medicines, weight loss products, diabetic supplies, and much more.

Also, at an online pharmacy, you have a choice to either visit the pharmacy (store) or have the online pharmacy fill and send your prescription through the mail. When you have your prescription drugs mailed, various pharmacies have to follow particular steps and special rules to check, fill and send your prescription drugs.

When you are at the online pharmacy website and filling out the forms with your name, address, etc. and your doctor's prescription information, they will also need a payment method to finalize the prescription order, plus any insurance payment information or medical plan you are using. Depending on which online pharmacy you use, they will either accept a payment online for delivery purposes or you will have to visit the actual store to complete the prescription payment process.

Also, one very important thing to consider at the online pharmacy your are using is that they have a secured checkout, payment system! An unsecured website will have a web address like http://www , where a secured website address will look like this https://www. The "s" at the end of "http" means it is a secured site. In future, any sites where you purchase items online make sure that this "https" configuration is in the website address, anything else can be hacked and your address, payment, and medical information stolen by Internet criminals.

Online pharmacy is the next generation of pharmacy, with the explosion of the worldwide web, every land based pharmacy will have a web presence, website, if they want to stay in business and be competitive in the pharmacy industry. When you finally select an online pharmacy website that you would like to do business with, check their site credentials, make sure that they are a "Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice WebSite" defined by the "National Association of Boards of Pharmacy." If you are concerned about the online pharmacy site and they aren't answering all your questions, there are many other sites on the Internet to choose.

One good tip about choosing online pharmacies is to select one that is associated with a large pharmacy chain, a well known pharmacy group. This way, you know the large pharmacy or someone else you know and has dealt when them before. The trust factor is minimized and your security, bank and credit information will be kept secured. "The Online Pharmacy" is the future of Pharmacy!

Less Stress Leads To A Better Rest

In the modern world of today we are constantly being bombarded with high levels of stress and anxiety. These stresses can be physical, mental or environmental. They place an enormous strain on our physical and mental health.

Most of us are aware that excessive stress can affect our ability to think straight, our digestive system, adrenal glands and heart. Research has however shown that whenever a stressful situation arises, there is a knock on effect. Firstly stress limits the blood supply going to the stomach, this hampers the digestive system and a temporary shut down of our immune system may follow. If we are overwhelmed with stress for an extended period we are likely to experience fatigue and exhaustion.

Although it may not be possible to avoid these stress factors in our lives there is help available. There are many natural herbal supplements, known for they’re relaxing properties which assist in combating the harmful effects of anxiety and stress. Several herbs are usually incorporated together to make a powerful formula.

We will take a look at some of the individual herbs, which go to make up some of these potent anti- anxiety supplements: -

* Jujube Seeds: - hypnotic and anti-anxiety effect used for hysteria, fatigue, sleeplessness, debility and restlessness.

* Magnolia Bark: - has anti anxiety, anti stress properties, lowers the cortisol, promotes relaxation and improves the mood.

* Potassium: -sustains the fluid and electrolyte balance, discharges energy from carbohydrate, protein and fat, assists in conveying nerve impulses.

* Magnesium: -is a trace mineral and its chief role is manufacturing and transporting energy, relaxing and contracting the muscles, assisting some enzymes with their task in the body and mixing proteins.

* Valerian Root: - It supports a feeling of calmness, improves sleep, reduces anxiety levels and facilitates relaxation of the central nervous system. Valerian root is non addictive and does not cause morning tiredness. It also is useful in slowing the heart in those who have the condition known as tachycardia.

* Melatonin: -is one of the most dominant antioxidants in the brain. It restores metabolism, improves the quality of sleep and slows down degenerative diseases of the brain such as Parkinson’s. Melatonin can control extreme cortical production and is therefore effectual in reducing stress levels and regulating sleep cycles.

* Vitamin B complex contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5,

B6 and B12 are all essential vitamins for the nervous system

Acidity verses Alkalinity

While I originally started to avoid this subject like the plague, I felt the need to at a minimum address it because there are so many widely differing view points on what this actually means, what to do about it and how this really affects your overall health.

I was very happy to find that the Chief Science Officer at Univera LifeSciences, Steven Cherniske, had published a very informative article, “The Acid Alkaline Mystery Solved”, on this very subject. For any of you that have read any of Stephen Cherniske’s work, you will not be surprised to see that it comes complete with all the references that you could hope for and the straight hard facts on this very confusing subject. As a result of this finding I am not going to attempt to do the subject justice, by trying to recreate an article of equal caliber. Verses re-inventing the wheel I am going to simply hit some of the high points for those of you who would prefer the cliff notes version. For those that would like to read all of the details I will leave that to Stephen and his article, “The Acid Alkaline Mystery Solved”.

First of all what is an Acid or for that matter an Alkaline substance? These substances are measured on a pH scale with water being neutral at 7.0. With values less than 7.0 being acid and the lower the pH value the stronger the acid. As you may have guessed alkaline (or base) substances have a value greater than 7.0 up to a maximum of 14. By now you may be wondering where our bodies should fall on this scale. First of all when we speak of an acid/alkaline balance in the body we are talking about the pH balance of our blood and tissues that should remain in a fairly narrow range of about 7.4 – slightly alkaline.

The real heart of the matter here is the byproducts of the digestion of foods that we consume and absorb. The biggest contributors to the fact that ACIDOSIS is at an all time high are the facts that most Americans are consuming beef and/or poultry multiple times per day, Americans are now consuming more soft drinks than water, consumption of coffee (caffeinated & decaffeinated) and lastly the processing of many of our foods have removed all of the alkaline forming minerals. When thinking about the foods that we consume you can not take the natural state of a food as the prime indicator of how that food will interact with our bodies. As an example, most fruits when consumed will result in an alkaline ash residue once digested even though naturally they maybe very high in acid in their natural state, even oranges.

The primary acid forming foods in your diet contain the minerals, sulfur, phosphorus and iron. Typically you will find these minerals in proteins, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, grains, most nuts and soft drinks (due to the high phosphate levels).The minerals potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium form alkaline reactions in the body and are found primarily in fruits and vegetables, and so these foods are classified as alkaline forming foods. As many of you are aware the consumption of alkaline-forming vegetables and fruit is at an all-time low. This has resulted in an increase of acidosis which accelerates catabolic damage and impairs our bodies anabolic repair processes. One of the best examples is the fact that it has been known for a long time that diets high in protein greatly increase the risk of osteoporosis. While there are many theories on this subject it appears that the body is simply taking from one part of the body to help support other systems that have been depleted due to the body staying in such a high state of acidosis.

In an attempt to help us make this shift in our diet Univera LifeSciences has created MetaGreens™. MetaGreens™ is extraordinary mix of land and sea vegetables, all of which are rich in alkaline minerals. I take great comfort in knowing that these greens are pesticide-free, grown on high-nutrient soil that has never been chemically fertilized. Additionally, Univera LifeSciences takes great care to ensure that the vegetables are harvested at the peak of their nutrient value and then these ingredients are processed by low-temperature dehydration to retain all the raw food goodness and manufactured in small batches to maximize freshness.

While the words “stomach acid” have a negative connotations for many of you it is because you have been brain washed over the years by the non-stop advertisements about how excess stomach acid is causing all of your discomforts. While I would be able to spend days address this issue I will pass. For those of you that want to read a very well presented explanation of why our stomach acids are in fact a good thing please read Stephen Cherniske’s article. For myself I continue to rely on Univera LifeSciences Aloe Gold product to help keep my digestive track in order and functioning properly. For those of you that have not tried Aloe Gold take a moment to ask anyone that have used the product and I am very certain you will hear fantastic praises about how it has helped them with numerous digestive track disorders.

I hope that you have found this latest entry to be of interest and most of informative. While I have barely scratched the surface here I hope that I have helped to clear up some of the confusion associated with the Acid Alkaline debate. For those of you that are hungry for more on this I can not recommend highly enough that you read Stephen Cherniske’s article the Acid Alkaline Mystery Solved.